I was born with pinchable cheeks. The kind that are round, cute, and you want to constantly squeeze them (well I don't, but this is what my mom says). She loves pinching even now in my adulthood she will find ways to get in a squeeze. We work together twice a week. She is the VP boss and I am the lowly consultant. You will often find her sneaking in my 8x8 cubicle to pinch my cheeks. There is no one to stop her, she is the boss. She has even taught my 18 month old daughter to give a tug, which is more like a dig then a tug.
I believe I owe my cheeks much thanks for some of the things, events, and people in my life. I believe my cheeks are my mojo. Some people have natural charisma and I admit I might have some, but the first thing you see are the pinchable likable cheeks not the charisma. As time goes on I will share some of the characters my cheeks have brought me to, the events the cheeks led to, and what I believe most, the life the cheeks have given me. Now one might say its not the cheeks at all it is God's hand. I believe in God. I love Him, worship Him, and believe He has led me. But for the sake of this blog it's my cheeks.
For now the cheeks bid adieu and will back soon.
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